What is Medical Weight Management?


5.5cm lost with a combination of fat dissolving injections and HIFU!


We all know that being overweight is not good for us - it increases our risk of getting diabetes and developing cardiovascular disease. It increases our blood pressure and elevates the risk of us having a heard attack or stroke. Your personal risk is very dependant on a number of measures, and understanding this risk is part of your journey to better managing your health through management of your weight.

We will be with you all the way. Your programme will be uniquely tailored to you. We believe that the essence of what you eat, how your body responds to that food, and how you need to nourish your body to get long term, successful weight loss, is in part a product of the genes that you were given at birth, and which ones are active.

We will start with genetic testing, in order to work out what the best programme is for you. We use a test which reviews 109 genetic variations associated with 15 categories looking at everything from behavioural genetics to food sensitivities to your matching diet type. You will have access to a whole array of different weight loss medication, should you wish to have this as part of your programme so you have more chance of being successful in achieving your goals. Gene testing is simple and pain free and no data is retained by the laboratory.

Of course we know that changing habits of a lifetime is not necessarily going to be easy and that’s why, as part of this programme, you will need to undergo a minimum of 4 weeks support with a registered dietician so that your food plan and your eating is tailored for you.



“I’m so pleased. 1lbs away from finally being under 11 stone!!!! First time in 11 years!”

“I got on the scales this morning and I’ve lost another pound! Not even a week since I last weighed so I’m very happy.”

“Couldn’t be more thankful to Sharron and Sasha for their help in my weight loss journey. I was getting really frustrated after trying everything to try and lose weight and nothing really worked until I met these beautiful, knowledgeable lady’s. If you are struggling like I was I would highly recommend you get in touch and get a consultation.”


How does weight loss medication work?

There are numerous medications available. All have been tested for many years in the fields of diabetes and have been discovered to be hugely successful in helping people manage their weight. They all have slightly different mechanisms of action but the principle way they work is by decreasing the hormones that make you feel hungry, and slowing down the rate of the stomach emptying so you feel fuller for longer. This means that you stop feeling hungry all the time, so you only have to deal with the emotional challenges or pressures to eat, or things you do out of habit. It just helps to make life a little bit easier for you, and give you more chance of being successful on your weight loss journey.


Am i suitable?

As part of your assessment for this programme, you will have a thorough consultation and blood tests, to make sure that you are fit and well and we understand what your goals are. If you wish to have medication this will be discussed with you.

3 months into the Medical Weight Loss Programme with the Secret Garden


How much weight will I lose?

Like all weight loss journeys, how much weight you lose really depends on what diet programme you decide to follow. We aim to lose 1-2lb a week so that it is manageable and you can continue the changes longer term and feel happy and excited about your nutrition.


Are there side effects?

If you decide to proceed with weight loss medication as part of your weight loss journey, there can be side effects. The most common side effects are nausea or vomiting, or gastric type side effects like constipation. Those on medication experiencing these side effects will tend to become more tolerant over a few weeks, like with most new medications. All the side effects and any risks of the medication will be discussed with you at your first consultation.


what else is available?

We have a whole comprehensive series of body treatments that can run alongside this programme, from body sculpting to skin tightening, to injectable skin boosters to help you with saggy skin that’s left, any areas of scarring, or skin you want to improve as the final step of your weight loss journey.

fat dissolving injection

Fat Dissolving Injections

Research shows that where you store stubborn fat can be due to genetics, not diet or lifestyle! Whether it’s a little belly pouch, a double chin or back fat, it’s completely normal, and fat dissolving injections might make you feel more content with your body.

Body Sculpting

This  non-surgical body contouring treatment helps you burn more calories through increased muscle activity and improved muscle tone. If you are looking to lose those last few pounds or support a diet and exercise plan this treatment can be a really helpful tool in your fitness journey. We actively encourage it within our weight loss programmes



Want to get started?

We’re excited to hear you want to come on this journey with us! Book a consultation with our expert team to make sure this is the right way forward for you, and to answer any questions you have.

We look forward to seeing you at the Secret Garden skin clinic!