Non-Surgical Face & Eye Rejuvenation


Julie after completing the Face rejuvenation and Eye lift programme

Julie told us “my eyes were getting me down and making me feel old. This plan has made such an amazing difference to me. My eyes feel tighter and fresher. I enjoy putting makeup on and playing with different looks. Everyone comments on how good I look and that makes me feel great”

The Secret Garden Non-Surgical Face and Eye Rejuvenation Package lifts sagging eyelids, lightens dark circles, opens-up and freshens the skin around the eyes and boosts collagen - all without the need for surgery! 

Your eyes are the gateway to the soul which is why bright and open eyes are the first thing people notice. However as we get older the soft and delicate skin around the eyes can sag and droop making us look us look more tired.

Julie asked us to help her refresh her eyes. They felt heavy and she wasn’t enjoying putting on her make up. Over a series of carefully planned skin treatment, Julie also had some under eye skin boosters.

This package has been designed to boost collagen and improve hydration on your whole face with a special focus on improving the area around the eyes. Restoring the skin around the eyes can make you look more rested and alert and ready to show those eyes off again!

This package is made up of:

Delivered over a series of uniquely tailored treatments over 6 months (to be agreed), your end result is eyes that look brighter and fresher!  We include over £500 of treats within your programme including skincare, a welcome facial and a series of skin analysis sessions. Treatment programme starts from £298 per month plus £500 deposit all agreed at your consultation


Browse our other Non Surgical Face Lift Treatments:


Want to find out more?

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Non Surgical Eye Rejuvenation, book in with our expert team to make sure this is the right treatment for you, and to answer any questions you have.

We look forward to seeing you at the Secret Garden Skin Clinic!